
This page provides all imaging data available from SPLASH to the public. It includes Spitzer 3.6μm to 8.0μm as well as HSC optical+near-IR data.

Not all of the data is public, yet. To request full access to the fully reduced imaging data and more unpublished products, contact afaisst[at] to obtain a username and password to download the data from the Internal Access page.

Zero points of the images
Spitzer images:

The science and uncertainty images (*mosaic*, *mosaic_unc*) are in units of MJy/sr (mega-Jansky per steradian). To convert these to AB magnitudes, use:

AB = -2.5 log10(MJy/sr) + 21.5814

The coverage images (*mosaic_cov*) are in units of number of equivalent 100s exposures. This is the number that is needed to figure out the gain at a given point in the image for the Poisson noise. However, note that the *mosaic_unc* images already contain the Poisson noise so it is only useful for separating the Poisson from background noise components.

HSC images:

The HSC mosaics provided on this page as well as provided by Mehta et al. 2018) are given in μJy. To convert these to AB magnitudes, use:

AB = -2.5 log10(μJy) + 23.93

On this page: Spitzer (COSMOS) | Spitzer (SXDF) | HSC (COSMOS) | HSC (SXDF)

Spitzer imaging at 3.6μm to 8.0μm (COSMOS)

Full color image created from 3.6μm and 4.5μm data.

Coverage map for 3.6μm.

Coverage map for 4.5μm.

Coverage map for 5.8μm.

Coverage map for 8.0μm.

The fully reduced data is only available via the Internal Access page.


Spitzer imaging at 3.6μm to 8.0μm (SXDF)

Full color image created from 3.6μm and 4.5μm data.

Coverage map for 3.6μm.

Coverage map for 4.5μm.

Coverage map for 5.8μm.

Coverage map for 8.0μm.

The fully reduced data is only available via the Internal Access page.


HSC optical and near-IR imaging (COSMOS)

The first HSC data release is public. It includes g, r, i, z, and Y broad-band and NB0816 and NB0921 narrow-band imaging on COSMOS. We refer to the public data release page of HSC.


HSC optical and near-IR imaging (SXDF)

The first HSC data release is public. It includes g, r, i, z, and Y broad-band and NB0816 and NB0921 narrow-band imaging on SXDF. We refer to the public data release page of HSC.

In addition, we provide here the g, r, i, z, and Y broad-band science (SCI), weight (WHT), and mask (MSK) images.

HSC SXDF g-band mosaic: SCI / WHT / MSK
HSC SXDF r-band mosaic: SCI / WHT / MSK
HSC SXDF i-band mosaic: SCI / WHT / MSK
HSC SXDF z-band mosaic: SCI / WHT / MSK
HSC SXDF Y-band mosaic: SCI / WHT / MSK

The mosaics have been SWARPed to 0.15''/px scale and span the 4.2 deg2 area considered for the SPLASH-SXDF catalog. More information and other data products related to HSC SXDF can be found here and in Mehta et al. (2018)
